Wednesday, May 31, 2006

G is the new R.
Anyway, here is some more Plath. So beautiful, no?



If you dissect a bird
To diagram the tongue
You'll cut the chord
Articulating song.

If you flay a beast
To marvel at the mane
You'll wreck the rest
From which the fur began.

If you pluck out the heart
To find what makes it move,
You'll halt the clock
That syncopates our love.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

That's it. I am going to go get my Givenchy and a black diary with 30 pages. Goodnight and goodluck . :)

Sunday, May 21, 2006


In your hands lie the comfort of a hundred hands, the warmth of the rising sun,
In your smile you hold the colour of a bright, bright day, the reflection of radiance,
In your eyes lie the promise of forever, the everlasting of time,
In this moment I sleep, feeling safe and feeling loved.


My mother is the best thing to have ever happened to me. This one is for you, mum. :) I love you too much.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

How to be invisible

I found a book on how to be invisible
Take a pinch of keyhole
And fold yourself up
You cut along a dotted line
You think inside out
And you're invisible

Eye of Braille
Hem of anorak
Stem of wallflower
Hair of doormat

I found a book on how to be invisible
On the edge of the labyrinth
Under a veil you must never lift
Pages that you must never turn
In the labyrinth
You stand in front of a million doors
And each one holds a million more
Corridors that lead to the world
Of the invisible
Corridors that twist and turn
Corridors that blister and burn


The new Kate Bush album "Aerial" is very very beautiful. Even I want to be invisible. :)

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Saturday, May 13, 2006

"About a photograph" by Sandeep Joseph. We may be through with the past but the past ain't through with us.
"I like to remember things my own way. How I remembered them, not necessarily the way they happened."


Inspired by Lost Highway

Friday, May 12, 2006


All the photographs are peeling
and colors turn to gray, he stayed
in his room with memories for days, he faced
an undertow of future’s laid to waste, embraced
by the loss of one he could not replace


Probably one of Pearl Jam's best hidden gems. You got to listen to Eddie Vedder singing these lines. God, painfully beautiful. Here, be sad :).

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Complacencies of the peignoir, and late
Coffee and oranges in a sunny chair,
And the green freedom of a cockatoo
Upon a rug mingle to dissipate
The holy hush of ancient sacrifice.
She dreams a little, and she feels the dark
Encroachment of that old catastrophe,
As a calm darkens among water-lights.
The pungent oranges and bright, green wings
Seem things in some procession of the dead,
Winding across wide water, without sound.
The day is like wide water, without sound.
Stilled for the passing of her dreaming feet
Over the seas, to silent Palestine,
Dominion of the blood and sepulchre.


"Sunday Morning" by Wallace Stevens. Beautiful, no? Thanks, e.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Leaves. The sweetest thing. :)
I'm opening the door to a cathedral. Its one a.m. A tubelight flickers. The sky is black but the greyness of the clouds make it darker, somehow. The moon sits quietly behind the clouds. There is the faint sound of a gypsy tribe nearby. On their journey to another village. The sound of a flute in the distance. Its so dark. The chill of night frightens me. I light a cigarette. I have still not entered the church. I am scared. I dont want to be alone. The glockenspiel sounds strangely off-key. I am on the interior and the exterior. A lone dog passes and disappears as it walks into the bushes, into the night. I feel safe, again.


The images in my head as I listen to Aphex Twin's "Curtains" from "Selected ambient works". I am there. Go there. Its beautiful at night.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Hard-fi is driving me insane. Such beautiful music. And by beautiful I mean, heavy, punk and so emotional. Love them. "Move on now" reminds me of you, R. Miss you more than you will ever know.

Sunday, May 07, 2006


over now

my tears
to wash

time to
cover my face
and walk
into the
dark night.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

the choice is magnet, silver-butterfly's flight, a contoured texture, the front is covered, segregated, separated, severed. the voice says something through an unclear channel, the reflective surface is even/odd, his eyes are like sirens, her cypress branches are the promenade to egon & ediths last farewell, the voice is clearer, anytime soon, she looks on and introduces herself as the rhine and courtesan. the execution begins, the smile disappears, the rope is long, immortality begins.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Softly, with a smile

would i come over
and just touch the back of your neck
a slight touch
a simple smile
with no

would i come over
and just hold you


For R. I might be in love.

Monday, May 01, 2006


Officially wrapped up my film "Look here, Kunigunda" on 30th April. Now, this is weird. Because? Well, Mark (the hero of my film), Kristine, Allison (Mark's wife) and me brainstormed on ideas for the first time, 3 years back on the same day. And get this. 30th April is also my first girlfriends birthday. Dont read much into it. Go have your cake. You will get a copy, if you are important. :)