Friday, March 10, 2006

The "I will" tennis game (JP vs. Prem)

Pra Ha says: (12:08:02 PM)
i will remove ur petals in the greenroom

as millions of artists have demonstrated before us, if we put this chord after this chord, the song will sound really sad! says: (12:08:04 PM)
i will dropkick you into the marianas trench and unleash a swarm of piranhas upon yo sorry ass

as millions of artists have demonstrated before us, if we put this chord after this chord, the song will sound really sad! says: (12:08:26 PM)
i will deflower your virgin queen in the twilight of her empire

Pra Ha says: (12:08:48 PM)
i will manipulate ur cheekbones and turn them into an architectural flaw

as millions of artists have demonstrated before us, if we put this chord after this chord, the song will sound really sad! says: (12:09:28 PM)
i will abacinate, and defenestrate, you will lie shattered and eyeless in a market square where the passing fish mongers will shed scales upon your spreadeagled cadaver

Pra Ha says: (12:10:12 PM)
i will cultivate a rice field on ur left eyebrow and sell you for a quarter of the market rate

as millions of artists have demonstrated before us, if we put this chord after this chord, the song will sound really sad! says: (12:10:58 PM)
i will sprinkle salt in your coffee and locusts in your fields, i will send your email ID to every spambot on the inter webs and also your women i will ravish




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