Monday, January 08, 2007

Love Poem

Sharing one umbrella,
We have to hold each other,
Round the waist to keep together,
You ask me why I'm smiling-
It's because I'm thinking,
I want it to rain forever.


Vicki Feaver
Thanks, Ru. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a sweet poem - I wonder if it's still raining where she is?

12:05 PM  
Blogger ether said...

Beautiful poem!

5:01 AM  
Blogger Ari said...


love finds its own road-
for, even if you drift away
you will not get lost.

love lives in its own time-
cos no matter how hard you try to forget,
it will always last.

love has its own freedom-
the harder you try to pin it down,
the higher it tends to soar.

love has its own boundaries-
cos when you try to express it,
the words are never enough.

love has no disguises-
cos when you're in love,
it shows.

love is like a stormy night-
cos sometimes you wake up,

but love is brave
and it can wait-
for storms will always pass.

love makes its own rhythms-
even if you canot sing,
the beat is in your heart.

love is so tranquil,
that death fails to percieve,
how one can die with a smile.

love is so genteel-
for even when you scream,
it patiently hears you out.

love is love.
love is supreme.
its like a gentle dove.

love is a flower-
or a little child's dream
of the twinkling stars above.

you have to feel love just but once
for then you realise-
that all your life you have been watching
a meaningless, jet-black sky.

look at the sky with love in your eyes-
there are colours so vibrant,
and stars so bright.

for, love is what life is all about
so live it just once-
and live it right.

11:59 AM  
Blogger Ari said...

this is one of my most treasured poems...
somehow felt it belonged here....
please delete it if possible as i dont wish it to be copied.
thank you.

12:07 PM  

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