Monday, April 25, 2005

Supermundane Thoughts

I've never done this kind of thing before", he proclaimed honestly, but of course she couldn't reply, not with the tape over her mouth.
The trees before him in the wood spoke in a language of the wind he didn't understand. Kicking his chainsaw into life, he thanked God for this blessing.
The more he see's her the more his desire builds. "If only she was made of flesh & bone" he sighed, walking away from her, this time forever.
Helpfulness was in his blood. The shy workers would have dis-a-greed if only it had not meant speaking out.
Wanting to bridge the gap between fantasy and ree-al-e-tee he spends the days with a chainmail vest beneath his suit.
She would never understand he said to his reflection. His eyes drifted to the floor, all he could see were his bare feet squeezed into her shoes.
Trampling through the over growth his distructive path was self ev-e-dent. Looking back on his carnage he felt like a crusader.
Many have before but with lose and defeat.
I love her even after everything that has taken place. His tears mingled with the blood of his heart still managing to beat as it lay on the table.
The tools were there before him, laid out like shiny well kept weapons " The chipboard wont know what hit it he giggled nervously to himself.
The phone rang & it was not through coincidence that he answered it.
With three fruits on one side and two vegetables on the other, everything seemed to be unbalanced until a neighbor pointed out that "the size of the potato surely counted as two thus creating an equilibrium". Anne wasn't convinced but smiled and thanked the local resident anyway. John walked off happy he'd help fix yet another persons problem only to be nearly hit by a papaya falling from the sky.
Leaving the door unlocked gave her a sense of excitement.
A new sound, produced through the a mixture of wear on his shoes and the water on the floor left by earlier rain, entered his ears. He walked with the sound of his feet rather than against it and found a new sense of rhythm entered his life.
The sun beats down with a violent rage, giving and taking with the same hand.
Without hesitation Jim said Thursday. Only he knew he was thinking Tuesday all along.
Making a strawberry milkshake was something of a therapy to James, "It's this or murder" he calmly noted, handing the drink and a big mac to the red faced school girl.
We ran through the house to the backyard just to find the night was everywhere.
"Apple" the short man said, but because I was aware of the code I understood perfectly.
With the idea placed firmly in his mind he put on his most authoritative clothes. With the addition of a tie he felt ready. "Yes!" he internally cried "This is my day". He turned the key in the lock and pulled open the door. The day that greeted him was a crisp and bright Spring morning. He stood for a second and breathed shallow breaths.
After calming down he tried to explain that the burp he had just done was the communication technique of the beast inside.
The idea of baldness terrified him, "I don't even like eggs" he told the barber.
Looking through the keyhole of No.23 Sally was surprised by what she saw. "Trees!" she exclaimed.
With one leg shorter than the other, Mark just thought it had always been that way. "We'll have to tell him before it's too late" frowned Mother as Father poured the tea.
The half finished coffee cup was trying to look on the positive side but it had been over an hour since those lips had sipped it's steamy liquid.
The last time this happened we had a street party.
Opening the fridge door the light flooded the darkened room revealing a naked man standing in the corner of the kitchen. "Get back in" Alice shouted "the milk's going sour".
Being able to see his breath in his freezing bedsit was something of a comfort to him. "At least I know I'm still alive" he said out loud watching the clouds of mist rise and disappear.
The room was everything to him but a toilet.
1 - He uncomfortably made his way to the checkout.
2 - Passing her the change their hands brushed slightly.
3 - She smiled revealing lipstick marks sitting uncomfortably on her yellow teeth.
4 - Blushing he left quickly his eyes to the floor.
5 - As he made his way over to the car he suddenly became aware of a feeling that was new to him.
6 - Dismissing it as trapped gas he started the car.
The movements were strange but easy to trace.


Blogger Murphy said...

: )
I loved reading this. Like I knew what you meant. Must be code.

1:30 AM  
Blogger 100hands said...

Thankyou Anuva jee, aap bahut sundar hai :)

11:10 PM  
Blogger JP said...

'I don't even like eggs'.

6:08 AM  
Blogger L. said...

lovely, lovely. this is my favouritest post ever.

8:49 PM  
Blogger Ostrich said...

*wow* That was such a good read. Thank you...*urp*...mmm

1:22 AM  
Blogger natasha terekhova said...

are you behind supermundane or did you paste this from the website?

7:05 PM  

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