I give up
Its a horrible day. Never felt so alone. I think I am a bonafide misanthrope. The sound of the human voice drives me to insanity. Its all opinion right? Everything is. "Have you been to the packaging and promotions section of the website? You might want to check that out." No, I don't want to check that out. Its all bollocks anyway. Who fuckin cares? These people can stuff their opinions on advertising and how cool it is up their... My heart is filled with Castrol. I am a commodity. I am a whore. Famewhore. I am a sellout. I have nothing to contribute to society. I sell lies. I sell mouthwash. There are no stories I can tell my grandchildren. I am the lost rays of a forgotten sunrise. I am all that I never dreamed of being. Plastic and cute, all the way.
Amen, bro, amen. Damn.
Cheer up man...life is beautiful
Think plastic as an idea...plastic the most usefull material created by man. It can be hard and soft even recycled. When we are at recycled you know that in the very soon future home appliences will be on rental and how much humatiny will gain throught a proper recycling circle. don't think small think BIG!!!
Very well written!
Easy, da!
Something to cheer you up.
"Great designers seldom make great advertising men, because they get overcome by the beauty of the picture - and forget that merchandise must be sold."
- James Randolph Adams (advertising veteran and pioneer)
thats hot! :)
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