Questioning Mark
So, Mr. Crim Eng Siam Cat ( interviewed me.
1. When did you first realise that boys weren't the same as girls, and how?
When I grew my hair and moustache. :)
2. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
Pale green. I am pear-shaped afterall.
3. Would you sell your soul for complete control?
No one wants it. But yeah, if Kylie would want it I dont mind selling it to her in exchange for full control of her. :) Then she will buy me a brand new Tourist Trophy 2005. God.
4. Which drug saved your life?
The everlasting gaze of Mr. X-Genome.
5. Sonic Youth or Smashing Pumpkins? Explain.
I was into the sound of 'em smashing youth from seattle. But yeah, after Sonic Nurse its purely Sonic Youth. "I love you Golden Blue". Jp will support me on this, whilst I beat him relentlessly with a fishbat.
:lol: Mr. Crim Eng interviewed you? That's an honour!
He's a good little lad, known him for 10 yrs, plan to ask his mom for his hand in marriage.
You're answerable to me, and I'm pleased with your responses. Marriage however, is another matter altogether.
Awww the love stems out like a boso...err...blossoming flower.
You're just bitter. :D
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